Our Approach
Healthy Wetland Nature
As a global organisation we strive to collect information on wetlands, their values and services. We also keep abreast of the latest scientific developments in order to improve wetland-related policies and practices. For this, we maintain a network of Specialist Groups and Associate Experts. We also collaborate with scientific institutions and individual researchers. When we see key gaps in the available knowledge, we conduct or stimulate further research.

Vibrant Coasts and Deltas
Coastal belts of mangroves contribute to security by reducing the impacts of severe storms and cyclones as well as tsunami events. Mangroves also provide food and building materials to many people living in and around mangrove forest.

Peatland Treasures
In Indonesia we work to protect and restore its enormously carbon-rich and biodiverse tropical peatlands. These wetlands with carbon-dense peat soils are home to many threatened species, such as the Orang utan.