Vibrant Coasts and Deltas
Coastal wetland conservation
Coastal belts of mangroves contribute to security by reducing the impacts of severe storms and cyclones as well as tsunami events. Mangroves also provide food and building materials to many people living in and around mangrove forest. However, in Indonesia thousands of hectares of mangrove have been converted into aquaculture ponds of which many have been abandoned. This leaves coastal areas unprotected and unproductive. Therefore, we work towards reversing this rapid loss of mangrove forests and promote a sustainable use of this invaluable ecosystem.
Mangrove forests protect coastal zones against erosion and extreme weather. They provide key nursery areas for fish and homes to other animal species, including waterbirds and an abundance of sea life. Not only in Indonesia, but all over the tropical regions of the world, mangroves provide the source of livelihood for millions of people living along coastal areas.
Since 1998 we have been working with local community to protect Pulau Dua Nature Reserve which is home to about 40,000 waterbirds; at the same time facilitated local communities to improve their livelihood; and advocated the development of the Green Belt policy with the local government.