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Policy Analysis Guidelines in the perspective of Integrated Risk Management (IRM)

Published on:
  • Climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Coastal resilience

The existence of this Integrated Risk Management Policy Analysis Guideline helps civil society organizations in Indonesia and other parties to better understand the concept of the Integrated Risk Management approach used by PfR Indonesia and also helps facilitate policy advocacy work related to disaster governance issues, climate change and also environmental degradation that is happening in Indonesia. By understanding the 8 principles of Integrated Risk Management from PfR which are applied to the key questions in this guide, civil society organizations and other parties using this guide will be able to propose policies, review the content and process of formulating a policy, reviewing implementation planning. a policy and also examines the impact of a policy by using an Integrated Risk Management perspective as an analysis tool.

Hopefully this guideline can be utilized properly by all users and can contribute to increase the capacity of Civil Society Organizations and other parties, especially in carrying out policy advocacy work related to strengthening community resilience in the future. In particular, we present the Integrated Risk Management Policy Analysis Guideline to honor and remember our beloved friend and colleague, Chasan Ascholani, who has started the preparation of this guideline in 2018 and left a very valuable legacy of knowledge related to integrated risk management. Hopefully the improvement of this guideline does not stop there, but in the future it can be further improved by some other future experience of using this guideline.

Policy Analysis Guidelines IRM_PFR_Des2020.pdf